“The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.” - Bertrand Russell
Happy Sunday!
So…..um…..how’s it going?
I’ll be honest. I don’t have much to say this week.
I haven’t written anything worth sharing (wait, have I ever?), and I was short on time this week. What time I did have, I spent playing around with my camera. It’s fall in Ohio, which is the most beautiful season by far, so there is plenty to photograph.
I’ve become slightly addicted to editing my photography and find it more enjoyable than I would have ever guessed. I always considered myself somewhat of a naturalist when it came to photography. Meaning that I thought the way a photograph was taken was the way it should be seen. However, after taking
’s Photography for Creatives Course this summer, I have a whole new attitude towards the editing process.It can be incredibly time-consuming, so sometimes it feels like a waste to spend so much time on one photo, but I also find it somewhat relaxing. I recently transitioned from Lightroom to Lightroom Classic. It’s not cloud-based like Lightroom is, but I love how it can help organize the photos on your computer. You can set it to automatically rename your photos upon import and easily keep everything organized from then on. It’s brought some much-needed order to the chaotic heap that was my photo library.
If you have any experience with Lightroom or Lightroom Classic and prefer one over the other, I’d love to hear your thoughts on them. Or, if you are interested in finding out more about either one, feel free to leave a comment or shoot me an email with your question.
Photo(s) of the Week
These are some photos from my Saturday morning walk. Nothing beats fall.
Random Thought
Few things provide as much value per dollar spent as a good bungee cord.
I hope you all have a great week!
If you want to see more of my work, please visit chasinganswers.co.
Thank you for reading, and if you liked what you read, please share.
You have really embraced the editing fellow classmate! These are stunning! I'm particularly drawn to the tree stump
Ok, you gotta explain the bungee cord reference. By the way, have you ever bungee jumped?—although that is probably not the kind of bungee cord you're speaking of.