
Thank you, Sandra! 🙏

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More Randy in the inbox!!

"take what you get, and don't throw a fit." is so good. We used a similar one with students at my work: "you get what you get and you're thankful for it!"

Thankful for more Chasing Answers 🎉

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There’s really no invites, you just have to sign up on the waitlist. I don’t know if they are still doing it but when I signed up I got a referral code. The code helped me more than those who used it. If enough people used it, supposedly it bumped me up on the list. I’m not sure if they are still using that system though.

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Invitations to Post?

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Hey Karena, I just realized when I answered your question here I left a separate comment instead of replying to yours. Here's the answer

There’s really no invites, you just have to sign up on the waitlist. I don’t know if they are still doing it but when I signed up I got a referral code. The code helped me more than those who used it. If enough people used it, supposedly it bumped me up on the list. I’m not sure if they are still using that system though.

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